About The Project
Liquid Adventures

Liquid Adventures Dahab is a PADI 5-Star IDC Dive Resort and a whole lot more! They’re very professional, friendly and helpful as they’ll provide all that makes you happy, your trip wonderful and your diving great and easy.

Their divers value authenticity, they don’t want a pretentious dive center, but they do value a unique experience. Keepeing their target in mind, I combined fun design elements to keep it simple: nice font pairing, solid nautical colours and some fun and optimistic elements to help tell Liquid's story.

Branding   | Web Design    |    Web Development    |    Photography    |    T-shirt Design
Project Colors




Web Design
New Website

Shiny, happy and fresh. Liquid Adventures new website is functional, easy to navigate and has very personal artwork with a vibrant colour palette that glares like the sun on a bright summer sky.


Tshirt designs
Redesining their website

Blue Ocean Freedivers needed to upgraded their website. So, what changed? Within only few years, they had position themselves as a great freediving educational center. The new website showcase more their courses, specially, their Instructor Intership, for which we even prepared an specific social media campaing.

Another great novelty it was the rental of the swimmingpool for trainning and oficial AIDA competitions. We used wordpress as is the CMS Catherine knows best and integrated a online booking with live availability so they can be exploring the Red Sea without a worry.

Website design Blue Ocean Freediversl
New Blue Ocean Freedivers website
Pool Rental
Instructor Course Banner
Blue Ocean Freedivers organised photo seassions
Branding Photoshoot with Kjeld Friis